Numbers_Words::toCurrency($num, $locale = 'en_US', $intCurr = '', $decimalPoint = null)
1.02=one dollar two cents
1.02 = one dollar two cents
10.05 = ten dollars five cents
102.08 = one hundred two dollars eight cents
99.99 = ninety-nine dollars ninety-nine cents
1234.56 = one thousand two hundred thirty-four dollars fifty-six cents
Numbers_Words::toWords($i, $lang)
Testing numbers between 0 and 9
0 = zero
1 = one
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four
5 = five
6 = six
7 = seven
8 = eight
9 = nine
Testing numbers between 10 and 99
11 = eleven
12 = twelve
16 = sixteen
19 = nineteen
20 = twenty
21 = twenty-one
26 = twenty-six
30 = thirty
31 = thirty-one
40 = forty
43 = forty-three
50 = fifty
55 = fifty-five
60 = sixty
67 = sixty-seven
70 = seventy
79 = seventy-nine
Testing numbers between 100 and 999
100 = one hundred
101 = one hundred one
199 = one hundred ninety-nine
203 = two hundred three
287 = two hundred eighty-seven
300 = three hundred
356 = three hundred fifty-six
410 = four hundred ten
434 = four hundred thirty-four
578 = five hundred seventy-eight
689 = six hundred eighty-nine
729 = seven hundred twenty-nine
894 = eight hundred ninety-four
999 = nine hundred ninety-nine
Testing numbers between 1000 and 9999
1000 = one thousand
1001 = one thousand one
1097 = one thousand ninety-seven
1104 = one thousand one hundred four
1243 = one thousand two hundred forty-three
2385 = two thousand three hundred eighty-five
3766 = three thousand seven hundred sixty-six
4196 = four thousand one hundred ninety-six
5846 = five thousand eight hundred forty-six
6459 = six thousand four hundred fifty-nine
7232 = seven thousand two hundred thirty-two
8569 = eight thousand five hundred sixty-nine
9539 = nine thousand five hundred thirty-nine
Test *yllions and *ylliards
50000 = fifty thousand
600000 = six hundred thousand
7000000 = seven million
80000000 = eighty million
900000000 = nine hundred million
1000000000 = one billion